Thursday 2 April 2009

Tuesday 31 March 2009

_morning covering before any soul has woken...

In those early hours
before the light of night surrendered to the dark of day
there fell a morning covering before any soul had woken
In heavy holiness
lithe leaps of delight leave no blemish in the snow
brushstrokes of white paint on white paper
The muddy boots of self-glory locked away and forgotten
no unchastely footprints that call only to themselves

Perfect sight reveals what only perfect eyes can see
No self proclaimed experts at hand to document and record
No lively exchange of hot air to melt the moment
No Peter at the transfiguration
Invitations sent only to awestruck onlookers who won't sell and abuse
Uncomplicated in their rejoicing
Secure in simplicity
not striving

Monday 9 March 2009


I was half-crouched in the door frame leaning with my back against the cold surface, hands on thighs and head held upwards. My eyes focused on the swirling grain, scrutinising the more weathered areas of the timber. Though well aged, the door frame was still standing strong; broad-shouldered, not yet slouched from years of heavy lifting. I wondered what it would be like to be given a single task, a sole purpose for existence. And with a heavy sigh I breathed my last...

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Monday 12 January 2009

Sunday 4 January 2009


Kro 2
Wednesday 21st January 2009
...with support from Jamie Parker